Developed by tradesouthwest
Theme Description
GoGrid lets you choose between templates to have different layout content. Made for ClassicPress.
- Requires PHP: 7.4
- Requires CP: 1.4
- Version: 1.0.2
- Author: Larry Judd
- Tags: two-columns, translation-ready, featured-images, blog, e-commerce, news, custom-menu, custom-background, custom-logo, custom-header
- License: GPL 3 (see LICENSE)
- Text domain: gogrid
GoGrid is a extendable theme made for ClassicPress. Features include fast loading templates. Demo at https://gogrid.tswdev.com
Theme Options Include:
- Choose between four templates to have different sidebars.
- Minimal files to make page load times blazing fast.
- Grid layout with ample content width and custom sections for sidebar data.
Theme built with CSS3 grid templating specifications for full mobile and small device support.
Use https://github.com/tradesouthwest/gogrid/issues to post your issues with this theme.
- 1.0.3
Fix description - 1.0.2
initial release